Just like every year, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Canada held on Saturday, October 12, 2019, a Divine Liturgy and Memorial Service in honour of the Bishops, Priests and Deacons who served in Canada from the beginning until now, as well as for all the Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, Donors and Beneficiaries of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese who have fallen asleep. (Canada celebrates Thanksgiving on the second weekend of October each year.)
Archbishop Sotirios officiated at the Divine Liturgy, assisted by Father Ignatios Delis (the former Dean of the Theological Academy), Father Alexander Salmas (the current Dean of the Theological Academy), and Deacons Evdokimos Mathioudakis, Kostas Tsialtas and Thomas Sandberg.
Sotirios Kanavas and the students of our Academy chanted during the service.
At the end of the Divine Liturgy, Archbishop Sotirios spoke of the gratitude we all need to exhibit towards our Heavenly Father, our benefactors, and all those for whose repose the Memorial was held.
Relatives of all those for whom the Memorial Service was celebrated were invited.
After the Memorial Service, lunch was provided for everyone in the reception hall of the Archdiocese.
The annual celebration of the Divine Liturgy accompanied by the Memorial Service is a tradition which began at the Archdiocese many years ago, and continues, and will continue in the future.
Archbishop Sotirios expressed his gratitude and thanks to all those for whom the Divine Liturgy and the Memorial were held, as well as to their relatives and friends.
He urged everyone to remember their beloved ones at all times, but especially when participating in the Divine Liturgy. He reminded everyone that the Church affirms that we pray for everyone, and for all those who “each one of us has in mind.” It is therefore essential to remember our beloved relatives and friends in every Divine Liturgy and Memorial Service.
Source: Archdiocese of Canada