On Monday, on the feast of the Holy Trinity, a Doxology was officiated at the Patriarchal Cathedral for the staff of the Basilica Media Centre of the Romanian Patriarchate, an institution placed under the protection of the Holy Trinity.
The Patriarchal Auxiliary Bishop Varlaam of Ploiești noted that the journalists “undertake the task of proclaiming the Light of Christ to the entire Romanian society.”
Trinitas TV, Radio Trinitas, Lumina Newspaper, Basilica News Agency, and the Press Office of the Romanian Patriarchate “bring much joy and hope during a time when each conscience is troubled by sad events and calamities that receive too much publicity.”
“The Basilica Media Centre showcases the positive happenings in the life of our people and our Church, which is appreciated by those who listen to and watch the programs with great joy, as they bring peace, harmony, and well-being into the lives of listeners, viewers, and readers amidst the daily events of our lives,” added His Grace.
“We also prayed for those who support this media ministry of the Romanian Patriarchate from various parts of the country and for the beneficiaries of the Media Centre, who are the listeners of Radio Trinitas, the viewers of our television programs, the readers of the newspaper and other Lumina publications, as well as those who follow the news presented by the Basilica News Agency and the Press Office.”
“Thank you for being present, for praying, and giving thanks together with everyone to the Holy Trinity for these gifts with which God has blessed our Church, a blessing that was extremely necessary for these times when communication is done through modern means,” said the Patriarchal Auxiliary Bishop.
“The Church has always been at the forefront of communication technologies, having established printing and published numerous books, calendars, and ecclesiastical almanacs for centuries. It could not lag in this era.”
“So we thank the Good Lord and those who labor, and may this blessing be ever-present, active, and continually renewed in our Church,” added His Grace Varlaam of Ploiești.
“We wholeheartedly congratulate the counselors, led by Father Nicolae Dascălu, Patriarchal Counselor and Coordinator of the Basilica Media Centre, and all of you who follow their work. May God grant you all health, blessings, and much help!”
The festal Divine Liturgy and the Te Deum service on the feast of the Holy Trinity were presided over by Patriarchal Auxiliary Bishop Varlaam of Ploiești. Concelebrants included clergy working at the Basilica Media Centre of the Romanian Patriarchate: Father Teodor Gradinaciuc, Coordinating Patriarchal Counsellor (Radio Trinitas), Father Alexandru Trușcă, Patriarchal Counselor (Trinitas TV), Father Adrian Agachi, Patriarchal Counsellor (Press Office), Father Ștefan Sfarghie, Editor at Lumina Newspaper, Archdeacon Gheorghe-Cristian Popa, Coordinating Patriarchal Counsellor (Trinitas TV), Hieromonk Nicolae Iftimiu, Coordinating Patriarchal Counsellor (Basilica News Agency), and Archdeacon Dumitru Ojog, the Secretary to His Grace Bishop Varlaam.
Photo Basilica.ro / Mircea Florescu
Source: basilica.ro