The Holy Synod was held at the Jerusalem Patriarchate today, Thursday, October 3, chaired by Patriarch Theophilos of the Holy City of Jerusalem, in the presence of the members of the Holy Synod.
Patriarch Theophilos discussed with the members of the Holy Synod several issues related to the administrative, ecclesiastical and pastoral affairs of the Patriarchate that serve the Patriarchate, its monasteries, churches, clergy and people. Patriarch Theophilos and the Fathers of the Holy Synod also discussed the painful events and difficult times that we are going through in the Holy Land and the region, offering prayers and imploring divine mercy for the peace of the world.
The Holy Synod also took the following decisions:
– Appointing Archimandrite Ieronemos as Patriarchal Exarch in Athens.
– Appointing Archimandrite Raphael as a prelate in the Cathedral of the Annunciation – Abdali and assistant to the Bishop of Jordan.
– Appointing Archimandrite Venediktos Kayyal as head of the Primary Ecclesiastical Court in Amman and a prelate in the Church of the Divine Ascension – Khalda.
– Appointing Archimandrite Leonidos as head of the Monastery of Cana of Galilee and a member of the Primary Ecclesiastical Court in Nazareth.
– Appointing a priest in Rafidia from Jordan.
– Appointing Archimandrite Athanasius Qaqish as a prelate in the Church of Saints Constantine and Helena – Marj Al Hamam and deputy to the Bishop of Jordan.
– Appointing Archimandrite Andreas Shamia as spiritual head in Madaba.
– Appointing Monk Vasilios as the care taker of the boarding school of Zion School in Jerusalem, maintaining his service in the Finance Department of the Patriarchate.
– Appointing Archimandrite Nicodemus as the head of the Monastery of the Apostles in Tiberias.
– Appointing Sister Metrodora as the head of the Monastery of Saints Mary and Martha in Bethany.
– Ordaining Nidal Semaan as a deacon in Jordan.
After Patriarch Theophilos blessed several necessary administrative and clerical transfers and appointments in Jordan, His Beatitude gave his blessing to Bishop Christophoros of Jordan, and by decision of the Holy Synod, to carry them out and announce them.
At the conclusion of the Synod, Patriarch Theophilos and Their Eminences offered their prayers for the peace of the world and our Holy Land.
Source: Patriarchate of Jerusalem