Patriarch Porfirije of Serbia presided over the Divine Liturgy on October 20, 2024, in honor of the feast day of the Holy Martyrs Sergius and Bacchus – Srdjevdan, at the Church of St. Basil of Ostrog in Banjica.
Following the reading of the Holy Gospel, Patriarch Porfirije delivered a sermon focusing on the faith of the Canaanite woman, who, despite belonging to a pagan nation, showed unwavering and humble faith in the Lord.
The Patriarch emphasized that God does not discriminate among people, and true faith opens the way to mercy and salvation, regardless of external circumstances.
“May the Lord grant us to be people of faith—people of prayer, humility, perseverance, and unwavering commitment to truth, no matter the cost, even if someone calls us dogs.
It is a blessing to be called that, yet still have faith. It is a blessing to be called that, yet be embraced by the loving arms of the Lord. It is a blessing to be rejected by this world, yet be a citizen of the Heavenly Kingdom.
It is a blessing to carry our cross and make it Christ’s. It is a blessing for our life to be Christ’s life, and for us to measure everything by His word and His standards, so that His word becomes the law that defines us,” preached Patriarch Porfirije.