On January 7, 2025, the Feast of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ (Christmas), Serbian Patriarch Porfirije celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Saint Sava Temple in Vračar, Belgrade.
The Patriarch was joined by Bishop Dositej of Lipjan, Bishop Nikon of Jenopolis, Archimandrites Nektarios, Secretary of the Holy Synod, and Danilo, Director of the Patriarchal Administrative Office, as well as numerous priests and deacons, including Protopresbyters-Stavrophors Branko Topalović, Dragan Stanišić, and Dimitrije Kasapis. Also concelebrating were Protopresbyters Đorđe Stojisavljević, Bogoljub Ostojić, Zoran Ranković, Boris Savić, Miroslav Čolaković, and Nenad Jovanović; Protopriest Goran Mišanović; Priest Miroslav Vasić; and Deacons Dragan Radić, Radomir Vrućinić, Nikola Kostić, and Vasilije Perić. A large congregation of faithful filled the Saint Sava Temple.
The Patriarch’s Christmas Encyclical, written by the Serbian Orthodox Church’s Synod, was read by Protopresbyter Đorđe Stojisavljević, Head of the Patriarch’s Office.
At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, Patriarch Porfirije delivered a heartfelt message:
“Brothers and sisters, once again, I extend my greetings for the Feast of the Nativity of Christ with prayers to the Divine Child, the God of love, peace, and joy, that He may dwell in our hearts and lives, making them a cave and manger for His eternal presence. In this way, we may experience the warmth, beauty, humility, and every Christ-like virtue within ourselves, enabling us to share these blessings with one another—embracing, loving, and forgiving each other, as we are reminded daily in the prayer: ‘Our Father, forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.’
“Let our hearts be a dwelling place for God so that we may embody peace, love, and understanding within our families. Let husbands love their wives as Christ loves the Church, and let wives love their husbands in the same way. When parents love each other, they pass this love to their children, who, in turn, honor and love their parents with humility and obedience. Such families, blessed by God, will reflect the Holy Trinity, where love, unity, and communion reign, as well as Christ’s earthly family, characterized by peace, love, and joy.
“May you have health, strong families, and mutual understanding. God always blesses those who seek Him because He stands by each of us, with us, and for us. Let the peace and love within our families extend to our neighbors, relatives, and friends, encompassing the entire nation. May our people, wherever they are, remain united in Christ, in virtue, and within the Orthodox Church, as one in faith. May God grant peace and joy to all people worldwide, for Christ came for all. May today’s Feast be joyful and blessed. Christ is born!”
Attending the Divine Liturgy were distinguished guests, including Ivica Dačić, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Internal Affairs; Dr. Vladimir Roganović, Director of the Office for Cooperation with Churches and Religious Communities; Monsignor Santo Gangemi, Apostolic Nuncio to Serbia; and Cardinal Ladislav Nemeth, Archbishop of Belgrade.
The celebration at the Saint Sava Temple was a vivid reminder of faith, unity, and the enduring joy of Christ’s Nativity.
Source: Patriarchate of Serbia