In a climate of joy and emotion, on Saturday afternoon, August 22, at the Holy Cathedral of the Annunciation of the Theotokos in Sydney, Michalis Triantis, who took the name Irenaeus, in honor of the celebrated Saint, but also of Archbishop Eirinaios of Crete bearing the same name, was tonsured as a rasophore monk.
The service of the tonsure to a rasophor was performed by Archbishop Makarios of Australia at the end of the Vespers on the Aposodis of the feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos.
The Archbishop addressed paternal speeches and spiritual instructions to the new monk Fr. Irenaeus, emphasizing first of all the value of monasticism in the modern era, when, as he distinguished “one of the greatest temptations our Church has to deal with is secularization.”
He expressed the great joy of himself and of the local Church, for the fact that a young man, after mature thought and contemplation, decided to enter monasticism, dedicating his life to Christ and his Holy Church. “This huge step for your life is a practical answer to the world, which constantly talks about comfort and prosperity,” he noted, among other things, addressing Fr. Irenaeus.
He paternally advised the young monk never to allow himself to be influenced by the terrible temptation of secularization. “After all, monasticism is the counterweight to the worldly-mindedness”, he stressed and continued: “Do not stop loving Christ and his Church. Dedicate your life and your precious time to beautiful and friendly things. Try to cultivate your monastic virtues. Do not forget prayer. Not only the group and worship prayer, but especially the mental prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on the sinner”.
The speech of the Archbishop ended with the wish that Fr. Irenaeus’ steps in the Church be blessed and fruitful. “I welcome you with paternal love and satisfaction to the monastic group of our Archdiocese, I bless you paternally and I wish you to please God and people,” he noted in closing.