The Metropolis of Germany announced that it would participate in the joint effort for the relief of the fire victims of Greece and the compensation for the damages suffered.
After the end of the summer holidays, in September, a fundraiser will be held throughout the country.
According to the announcement, the amount that will be collected will be delivered directly to the Holy Metropolises of the Church of Greece, which were severely affected by the deadly wildfires.
“Until then, all Greeks and philhellenes can deposit in the special bank account the amount they wish for this purpose,” the announcement concluded.
Special Bank Account – Spendenkonto
Empfänger: Greek Orthodox Metropolitanate of Germany
Bank: Commerzbank Bonn
IBAN: DE25 3708 0040 0221 3436 03
Verwendungszweck: Brandkatastrophe – Griechenland