The Holy Metropolis of Austria announced to the interested parties that during the period of imposition of the restrictive measures (November 17 – December 6, 2020) the following instructions will be observed in all parishes and all Holy Temples of the Holy Metropolis.
The announcement stated that the Divine Liturgy will be performed according to the liturgical program but without the attendance of believers, while the Holy Temples will be attended by the smallest possible number of persons.
The Divine Liturgy will be broadcasted on a daily basis, live, from the Youtube channel of the Holy Metropolis of Austria from Monday to Saturday: 8.00 Divine Liturgy and Sunday: 8.00 Orthros and Divine Liturgy.
The Holy Temples will remain open for the faithful after the end of the Holy Services, for personal prayer and spiritual guidance. The well-known hygiene measures apply in the temples as well.
While the Holy Sacraments of Baptism and Marriage will not be performed, fifty (50) persons are allowed to attend the Holy Funeral Service, observing the rules of hygiene.
Metropolitan Arsenios of Austria urged the faithful to intensify their prayers to the Triune God for the restoration of the health of the sick and the strengthening of the doctors, the nursing staff and all our fellow humans.
The Metropolitan also asked to continue the prayer together every night at 20.00, so that, despite the distance, they remain united during this difficult period of restrictions.
Metropolitan Arsenios assured the faithful that the Church will be supplicating daily to the Lord; the Priests will perform the Holy Services and will pray before the Holy Icons and the Holy Relics for the salvation of the people and the end of the pandemic.
“Let the prayer of the faithful be raised as incense before God from their homes, so that with His help the joint efforts may succeed and the new challenges of the times may be successfully met once again”, stressed Metropolitan Arsenios.