The Church commemorates Venerable George of Mount Maleon, Venerable Zosimas, Venerable Platon the Studite and Theonas, Archbishop of Thessaloniki, Hieromartyr Nicetas of Serres, and Martyrs Agathopodes and Theodulus.
He became a monk in a monastery in Palestine at a very young age, gaining a reputation as a great elder and ascetic. He visited many ascetics, who were notable for their virtue of humility and love, to listen to their preaching.
Later, he settled in the Monastery of Precious Forerunner near the Jordan River. There he devoted himself to strict exercise and fasting. In fact, during the days of Lent, he went to the desert for more rigorous spiritual exercise and fasting. In the desert, he met Saint Mary of Egypt, whom, after catechizing and guiding, he gave her the Holy Communion.
Source: Church of Cyprus