The Church commemorates Saint Xeni and Hieromartyr Babylas, as well as the bishops of Karpasia, Philon, and Theoprovos.
Saint Xeni was born to an aristocratic family in Rome and was originally called Eusebia. She was distinguished both for her female beauty, as well as for her faith in Christ and her virtues. Since she desired so much chastity virginity and devotion to the Lord, she was forced to secretly leave her homeland to avoid the marriage that her parents arranged for her. Together with two of her former maids, they went to Alexandria, and then they traveled to the island of Kos. Eventually, they took refuge in the Mylasa of Asia Minor, where they led an ascetic life until their passing.
Saint’s name was Eusebia but received the name Xeni (meaning stranger) after she followed the virtue of exile in her life and used this name when she abandoned the aristocratic life of Rome and opted for the path of suffering for the sake of Christ.
Source: Church of Cyprus