By Bishop Gregorios of Mesaoria
Our Church commemorates the Martyrs Severian and Chariton.
Martyr Severian, who is also honoured by our Church today, was a pious rich Christian who lived in the days of Emperor Licinius and was distinguished for his charity and Christian teaching. With the flame of faith and his earnest zeal, he encouraged many Christians to endure patiently sufferings and martyrdoms. Lord Licinius used many ways and gave various promises to dissuade Severian, who was full of bravery and self-denial, from the Christian faith.
Then, resentful by his successive futile efforts, the lord finally ordered his men to torture Severian and open many wounds on his body. The horrific torture continued until martyr Severian’s death, when he accepted the crown of glory of the Son of the Virgin Mary, our Savior Jesus Christ.
Source: Church of Cyprus