Saint Kyriakos the Anachorite, who is commemorated today by the Church, was born in Corinth during the reign of Theodosius the Younger.
His father was a priest. When he was 18 years old, he went on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. He heard people talking with admiration about the great ascetic Saint Efthymios and asked to meet him. After being blessed to meet him, at his urging he met another famous monk, Gerasimos, who was practicing near the Jordan desert. With prayer, humility, and repentance, and certainly with obedience, he achieved to lead a virtuous life full of holiness.
At the age of 40, he was ordained a presbyter. At the age of 77, he went again to the desert for more intense spiritual struggles. He strengthened the Orthodox faith of many believers, protecting them from heresy and heterodoxy. Saint Kyriakos fell asleep to the Lord at the age of 109.
Spiritual practice, as we experience it in the life of the Church, does not harm human health. On the contrary, restraint, and frugality support physical strength. This is because those who rely on material goods often become poor not only spiritually but also materially, while those who rely on their forces and prioritize the resurrected Jesus Christ in their lives have everything they need. They are full of life and the love of Christ.
Source: Church of Cyprus