The Church commemorates Martyrs Probus, Tarachus, and Andronicus and Saints Theosebius of Arsinoe and Epiktitos.
Saints Probus, Tarachus, and Andronicus were martyred under the reign of Emperor Diocletian around 300 AD. All three were pious soldiers with a deep Christian faith.
They were arrested by the governor of Tarsus, Maxentius, and boldly confessed their faith in Jesus Christ. Although he ordered their beheading, the tyrant was deeply shocked by the courage and faith of the martyrs.
Saint Epiktitos the Wonder Worker settled in the area of Kazafani (Agios Epiphanios) in Kyrenia, and practiced according to the Divine Word of the Lord “He who wants to become perfect must dedicate himself completely to Christ and the Holy Gospel.” He fell asleep peacefully to the Lord in the same place where he spent his life in prayer and spiritual practice.
Source: Church of Cyprus