The Memory of Venerable Pappos is celebrated today, June 3, who has the same name as Saint Pappos, Bishop of Kythrea, whose memory is celebrated on October 24. Also, today we celebrate the memory of Martyrs Loukillianos, Pavli the Virgin and four children.
The idolatrous priest, Loukillianos, experienced his personal Pentecost and Christianity was revealed to him. He became catechumen, was baptized and received an anointing of chrism. Once again, the Sunday word “What is impossible for mere humans is possible for God” was confirmed. This is an experience occurred through the study of the Synaxarion of the Saints of our Church.
Idolatrous priest Loukillianos lived during the reign of Empreror Aurelianus in 270 AD. When he first heard Christian preaching in his birthplace, Nicomedia, the Divine Grace was like an earthquake that struck him from inside. His deeply rooted pagan beliefs collapsed in a single day like a pack of cards. His old eyes opened and vividly proclaimed his faith in the Risen Jesus Christ.
He tried to invite other people to the Church with zeal and love, by spreading the good news of the Gospel. The priests, of course, denounced him to Count of Silvano. Loukillianos courageously confessed his faith in God-man Jesus Christ in front of him. Then the Count, forced by some envious idolatrous priests, who considered the Loukillianos apostate, ordered to torture him.
After many tortures, they found out that they could not defeat him, because of many miracles and the courage of the martyr of the faith.
Then they sent him to Byzantium, where Loukillianos was worthy enough to die the same way as Jesus. In prison, Saint Loukillianos met four children, who were imprisoned for the same reason and then were beheaded. After the death of the saint, Pavli the Virgin took his relics and buried them. However, she was also arrested, tortured, and eventually was beheaded.
By Bishop Grigorios of Mesaoria
Source: Church of Cyprus