The Ecumenical Patriarchate will organise an International Conference on “The theological legacy of Fr. Georges Florovsky.” The conference will take place in Constantinople on September 1-3, 2019, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of his death.
Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew will open the international conference, which will be attended by Hierarchs, clergy, distinguished university professors and theologians from universities from all over the world.
It is worth mentioning that Father Georges Florovsky was a pioneer theologian and professor, and has been dubbed “Rector of the Orthodox theologians” of the 21st century.
His landmark teaching is certainly an important and influential aspect of twentieth-century Orthodox theology. He called for a decisive return to the patristic sources and to the spirit of the Fathers, as well as he appealed to the Church to dialogue with the historical and major challenges of our time.
The presentations will be broadcast live on the Internet.