In a time of rapid change and spiritual confusion, it is a significant blessing for the Christ-loving people of Australia that the Holy Archdiocese is under wise and capable leadership. This leadership ensures the steady navigation of the Church through its current challenges.
Today, reflection is given to the historic event of June 29, 2019, when Archbishop Makarios was enthroned as the sixth leader of the Orthodox Church in Australia. In a packed Cathedral of the Annunciation in Sydney, the newly elected Archbishop received his pastoral staff, along with the hopes and expectations of the clergy and faithful.
Over the past five years, Archbishop Makarios has shown deep responsibility toward his flock, the Mother Church, and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. Tireless efforts have been made to spread the Gospel across Australia, reaching even the most remote areas, ordaining new clergy, and supporting monastic communities. Connections have been built with Greek communities outside the canonical Church, new parishes have been established, and engagement with youth has been strengthened. Enhancements have been made to the Archdiocese’s social, charitable, and educational efforts.
A major achievement of this tenure has been the preparation of a new Constitution for the Holy Archdiocese, which introduces a synodal system to the Church’s administration. This reform has been approved in principle by the Ecumenical Patriarchate.
Beyond these accomplishments, the inspiration provided by Archbishop Makarios through zeal, spirit, and determination has made the mission to spread the Gospel a personal commitment for many. It is hoped that this inspiration continues, with prayers for the granting of strength to achieve noble goals for the Orthodox Church and the people of Australia.
Source: Vema of the Church