The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America has decided to reduce the employment cost through a furlough program.
In an announcement issued by the Archdiocese, as with many organizations, COVID-19 has had a profound impact on the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and its parishes. The financial consequences to certain of Archdiocese’s parishes have been particularly significant, causing a decline in revenues from the Total Commitment program which, in turn, reduces the operating funds of the Archdiocese. Unfortunately, the uncertainty associated with the Total Commitment revenues as the pandemic enters its sixth month has forced the Archdiocese to make the difficult decision to reduce its employment costs through a furlough program.
Affected employees will enter the furlough program as of August 1, 2020. The furloughs will affect a limited number of staff and are expected to be temporary. While the furloughs will be unpaid, the Archdiocese will continue to provide health insurance for these employees. It is the desire of the Archdiocese to welcome its furloughed employees back at the earliest possible opportunity, but this will depend on many variables, including the stabilization of the Total Commitment program.
The Archdiocese has taken numerous actions to avoid disrupting its workforce in this manner. Most significantly, the Archdiocese availed itself of stimulus funds through the Paycheck Protection Program and exercised sound financial stewardship through cost containment measures. As the pandemic has continued though, further measures are needed.
Each Archdiocesan employee views their service to the Archdiocese not as a job, but a calling to the Church and Christ. The Archdiocese owes its gratitude to each of its staff members for their ongoing, and often unnoticed, hard work and dedication.