Very often we have negative thoughts and ideas regarding God. And very often we also doubt the existence of God. Very often there are certain people who reject the existence of God, even people who are within the Church and who participate in the life of the Church in a passive manner and not in an existential and lived-out one.
Observing the above mentioned, Archbishop Makarios of Australia urges all, through his video message on the Instagram social networking site, “to acquire within ourselves the power of freedom and sincerity, and to address the problem directly to God, even though we may not believe in His existence”. More specifically, as a way of dealing with the described spiritual and existential problem, His Eminence suggests having a simple and tranquil dialogue with God, saying: “I do not believe in You. If you exist, come and prove it to me. Show me an experience. Come into my life. Do something so that I will be convinced and understand that you are the only true God.”
“If we truly do this and leave our soul to be free, then God will come to us in a very personal and unique manner” assures His Eminence and concludes emphatically: “And then we will genuinely acquire the experience of the presence of God in our life!”.
Here is the Instagram post:
Δείτε αυτή τη δημοσίευση στο Instagram.