On Saturday, February 1, Archbishop Makarios of Australia presided over the Vespers for the feast of the Presentation of the Lord at the Church of the Holy Diocese in Chora, located in the suburb of Coburg, Melbourne.
Metropolitan Iakovos of Ireland, along with Bishops Evmenios of Chora and Kyriakos of Melbourne, attended the service. Among the many pious faithful who filled the celebrating church were the new Consul General of Greece in Melbourne, Dimitra Georgantzoglou, and the Archons of the Holy Great Church of Christ.
At the conclusion of the service, the Archbishop delivered a thoughtful address on the significance of the Despotic and Mother of God feast of the Presentation of the Lord.
He warmly acknowledged the presence of Metropolitan Iakovos of Ireland and Consul General Dimitra Georgantzoglou. He then shared reflections on the growing concern over depression, emphasizing its alarming rise in modern times and the worsening statistical indicators.
Referencing the teachings of Saint John of Damascus on the psychosomatic nature of humanity, the Archbishop underscored that addressing depression requires not only spiritual guidance but also medical assistance.
“Spiritual help is needed, and medical help is needed, and let us not forget that God sent science into the world,” he stated.
He went on to describe how the modern way of life and the predominantly secular goals people pursue contribute to the rise of depression. In contrast, he highlighted the example of Saint Symeon the Theodochus, who welcomed Christ in the Temple.
The Archbishop noted that during the Presentation of the Lord, Saint Symeon experienced complete spiritual fulfillment because “he had set in his life beautiful goals, not the false and temporary ones that people often chase.”
He emphasized that “one of the ways to overcome depression is to set spiritual and ecclesiastical goals and to keep Christ before us.” He further added that all our aspirations should ultimately lead to the heavenly Kingdom of God, a vision that brings true meaning to our lives.
Before the conclusion of the Service, Archbishop Makarios presented the Parish with fragments of the holy relics of Saint Anna the Baptist and Saint Symeon the Theodochos, a donation from Athonite Hieromonk Fr. Antipas, Elder of the Iberian Cell of Saint Anne.
The Archbishop also expressed his deep gratitude to the outgoing Hierarchical Head, Efstathios Papadopoulos, for his long and devoted ministry. Fr. Efstathios, after more than 36 years of priestly service, has applied for retirement—a journey closely intertwined with the life and development of the Parish of the Presentation of the Lord in Coburg.
The Archbishop thanked the clergyman for his invaluable contributions to both the Parish of Coburg and the Holy Archdiocese as a whole, while emphasizing that his participation in the life of the local Church will remain active.
Additionally, he extended his best wishes to the new Hierarchical Head, Fr. Leonidas Ioannou, expressing appreciation for his service thus far and encouraging him to continue his ministry with the same dedication, for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.
The Archbishop was warmly addressed by both Fr. Efstathios and his successor, Fr. Leonidas, who expressed their deep love and respect, while also thanking him for his unwavering care for the Christian faithful of the fifth continent.
“I sincerely pray that God grants you health, strength, and courage to continue the great work you are doing,” said Fr. Efstathios, assuring that he will continue to support the mission and vision of his Shepherd with all his strength. Fr. Leonidas, speaking on behalf of the entire Parish, also conveyed his gratitude, stating, “We thank you for all that you have done, are doing, and will continue to do for us.”
As a token of appreciation, he presented the Archbishop with a hierarchical engolpion and a pectoral cross as commemorative gifts.