In a statement at ANA-MPA, Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens and all of Greece expressed the profound regret of the Church of Greece for the events in Moria and the “deep concern over what this tragic situation conceals for our national integrity and for the peaceful life in our homeland.”
More specifically, the primate of the Church of Greece said:
“Our Church will always be by the side of every poor, persecuted, weak fellow human being, every refugee, free from any discrimination. With deeds and not with words. In practice and not in theory. For the relief of human pain and the healing of the wounds of each long-suffering human being. Because this is the Church’s mission. Because this is what Church’s teaching dictates. Because Christ was the first refugee.
For this very reason, she is entitled and obliged, not only to deeply deplore the events in Moria, but also to be very concerned over what this tragic situation conceals for our national integrity and for a peaceful life in our homeland.
A fraudulent plan of inadmissible, immoral and inhuman instrumentalization and exploitation of desperate refugees and immigrants has been evolving for several months, with all the repercussions on our national security and the lives of Greek women and men, especially in the border areas of our country and in several afflicted neighborhoods of urban centers. And this at the very moment when our neighboring country steps up the tension in the Aegean with deliberate moves of aggression and outrageously insults the religious sentiment of all Christianity in violation of any notion of international legality.
The time has now come for the European Union to assume its responsibilities and to contribute effectively to the preservation and protection of its very eastern borders, always with respect for the value and dignity of every human being.
Our Church stands, as always, by the side of the competent and responsible Greek State and make its services and organizations available for whatever is required.”