The Norwegian Orthodox Community “Annunciation of the Virgin” and Archim. Alexandros Loukatos, Head and President of the Church Council of the Holy Temple, invites its members to the Annual Ordinary General Meeting, which due to the pandemic will be held online through the Zoom platform on Saturday, March 6, 2021, at 2:00 p.m.
The agenda of the meeting is as follows:
- Approval of the agenda and election of the supervisory committee,
- Report and approval of activities: a) Report of the Priest, b) Report of the Legal Supervisor, c) Report of the Ecclesiastical Council,
- Approval of the financial statements and determination of the amount of the annual contribution of the members of the Community,
- Report of the Audit Committee for 2020,
- Chartered Accountant Report for 2020,
- Planning of actions for 2021 and financial budget for 2021,
- Election of a new Audit Committee with an annual term.
According to Article 10, regarding the quorum of the General Assembly, the presence of 51% of the regular members, who have paid an annual subscription, is required, while in case of non-quorum, the General Assembly will be held after one hour, regardless of the number of members present.
Members are kindly requested to pay their annual subscription by March 4, 2021, at the latest.
To participate in the Digital Assembly, registration is required no later than March 4, 2021.
You can register by sending an email to and in the subject field write: Participation in the General Assembly.
The access instructions, as well as the relevant link, will be sent to the registered 24 hours prior to the beginning of the Assembly, ie on Friday, March 5, 2021.